Your computer stores more information than you think. All over your hard drive is information about the sites you ’ve visited, files you’ve opened, and people you’ve e-mailed. Automatic Windows and Internet Washer cleans any evidence of your Internet and Windows habits. You can have it run on schedule to automatically clean system in stealth mode, as well as on Windows start-up and shutdown.
Internet/System History Cleaning Studio will help you clean system and erase the IE history, cache, cookies, typed URLs, auto complete history, and Window’s temporary folder, run history, search history, open/save history, recent documents, etc. Using this application, you no longer have to worry about track history access by others who use your computer! It provides you with the peace-of-mind knowing that your personal activity and information will remain private and protected, and allow you to define different erasing schema in different profiles, after that, you can easily select the profile to do the track erasing. With it, you could surf with confidence and speed up computer speed!
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